Join Us!

Being a first-generation Latina in college means breaking barriers, rewriting the narrative, and showing the world that our dreams have no limits. Your journey isn't just for you—it's for every girl who will follow in your footsteps.

Begin your journey with Bloom today!

Become an ally and make a difference. By joining us, you'll support our mission, amplify the voices of those we serve, and help drive positive change. Allies play a crucial role in our community, offering support, resources, and advocacy to create a more inclusive and equitable environment. Together, we can make an impact!


Join BLOOM and be part of a community that empowers first-generation Latinas like you to thrive in tech and business. Gain access to mentorship, resources, and opportunities designed to help you achieve your dreams and build a successful future.


Become a mentor with BLOOM and help shape the future of first-generation Latinas in tech and business. Share your expertise, guide aspiring leaders, and make a lasting impact on the next generation of innovators.

Together, we thrive